Errol Facey is Where Service Matters


Congrats to Where Service Matters Recognition Award recipient, Errol Facey, servicing one of our insurance clients, for delivering exceptional customer service. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the need to get large quantities of equipment shipped throughout the U.S. with aggressive timelines. Errol continues to deliver with complete ownership and professionalism as he showcases amazing work ethic and has a system in place that is effective and efficient. The client has been able to meet aggressive demands because of his on-going support. “Your company is very fortunate to have an individual of his caliber on the team. When I have a request, I can honestly say that I have zero concerns and the upmost confidence that business need will be met. Errol deserved recognition and praise for delivering the ultimate customer experience. Errol, thanks for all that you do”, says a source at the client. Errol, thank you for demonstrating the utmost level of customer service and for your ongoing dedication. You are Where Service Matters.