{Free Webinar} Create Contactless Experiences with Smart Lockers

Contactless mail delivery has seen growth over the past few years, however, in light of the current pandemic, there is renewed interest from businesses to limit the amount of physical interaction with mail and parcel delivery. Join The Millennium Group and Smiota for a FREE  webinar, Facilities Post COVID-19: Create Contactless Experiences with Smart Lockers, on October 15th at 11 AM PST.

Due to the current pandemic, Smart Lockers have become a workplace necessity. Together, The Millennium Group, Where Service Matters and Smiota, are working towards a simpler, and safer work environment. Learn more about creating contactless experiences in the workplace, automatically facilitating all kinds of transactions, such as: food, mail, parcels, IT assets, and more. 

Learning Objectives:

Ø Smiota Smart Lockers

Ø  Highly secure enterprise grade Cloud Platform ​

Ø  Cloud Platform with RESTful API for third party integrations​

Ø  Multiple locker types (indoor, outdoor, metal, laminate and temperature controlled)​

Ø  IOT sensors in lockers offer range of unique services​

Ø  Multiple Smart Locker Work flows​

Ø  Smiota Web Apps for mail rooms and micro fulfillment ​

Ø  Smiota Mobile Apps for pick-up and delivery​

Companies are rapidly improving safety protocols within their facilities. Don’t miss out, register for the webinar to find out how implementing smart lockers could be beneficial for your business. The webinar will be recorded, so anyone who cannot make it should still register and a copy of the recording will be sent out by email.

Oct 15th, at 11am PST — Reserve your spot today!: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/5016013457862/WN_EYzjFG4kRO6GEEuSk4MGCA