Bernice is Where Service Matters

Kudos to Silver Star Award recipient, Bernice Landor, at Schneider Electric for her client-recognized service. “Bernice has done an outstanding job preparing and executing the State Department training. She has been pinnacle in helping prepare the facility, badges, directing the customers and assisting the caterers in setting up lunch. Bernice is so upbeat and friendly and has been taking care of all of us. Her attitude is contagious, and I am glad that she is here as the face of Schneider Electric. Bernice provides a great customer experience with her friendly smile and demeanor. Not only has she made me, and my team welcome, but she has made the customers welcome as well. Please extend the Customer Training Department’s thanks for a wonderful job,” stated Tim Heather, Manager, Customer Training Services, Schneider Electric. Bernice, you are Where Service Matters!