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A TRIBUTE TO DERMOT F. MURPHY – Founder and Chairman, The Millennium Group of Delaware

A TRIBUTE TO DERMOT F. MURPHY – Founder and Chairman, The Millennium Group of Delaware


Dermot F. Murphy, 73, of Toms River passed away on Monday, January 1, 2018 eliciting an outpouring of remembrances, memories and eulogies from leaders and far beyond. Dermot, an embodiment of the American Dream, launched his company, New Jersey Sorting in 1984. As a CEO and visionary, he grew and diversified multiple companies over the past 30 years enjoying tremendous success. While his companies will feel his loss deeply, they will honor Dermot’s legacy through their inspirational efforts in his memory.

Timothy Kerner, President of The Millennium Group, said “Dermot F. Murphy was a great visionary who taught me many things beyond the TMG boundaries. While my stories could go on and on, there was one that I thought sharing could express the character of the man, Dermot F. Murphy. Well back in the early 90’s. Mr. Murphy and I were at an event with clients and I introduced Mr. Murphy by saying ‘I work for him.’ Later that evening driving home, Dermot looked at me and said, ‘you don’t work for me, we work together, for the same company.’ Truly a humbling teaching moment and one I lived by throughout my career. Thank you for so many life lessons.” Frank Farnacci, EVP of The Millennium Group said “The mark of a great man lies in his legacy. Dermot’s legacy lies in a tremendously successful business, and a profoundly loving family. Dermot was a genuine man who led a company that rose from his kitchen table to a multi-million dollar national enterprise with honesty, integrity, humility and compassion. He had a genuine concern for the welfare of those of us entrusted to run his business that I’ll never forget. His legacy will continue to inspire for many years to come.”

There’s a reason such personal remembrances are coming from so many corners. Mr. Murphy has shaped the culture that underlies the industry with his intellectual curiosity, passion for the industry, and a relentless focus on the future. Dermot F. Murphy was a traditional Mailing Industry leader during an era where manual perfection outweighed any kind of technology. He had the foresight to recognize that if success was awarded based on productivity, he could build his dream of designing a business model that could be unmatched.

Today stands a legacy of companies from the vision of one man, Dermot F. Murphy. With an estimated 2,000 employees throughout North America, The Millennium Group companies have become a household name throughout major Corporations, all to the credit of one man and a dream. As a CEO, there was no one better than Dermot F. Murphy. Always backing his teams, always accepting that everything is not perfect but we can learn, always pushing people to the maximum capabilities, always caring for those employees in need, and always recognizing effort. He will not only be remembered, but be honored through the future success of his companies. The torch remains lit for a man with a great heart, a great dream, and a great understanding of how to achieve success through a special skill of coaching and supporting those he employed.

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